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A Message From Jay Maddock, PhD, FAAHB

Dean, Texas A&M School of Public Health


The Texas A&M School of Public Health is committed to transforming health through interdisciplinary
inquiry, innovative solutions, and development of leaders locally and globally. We started as the School of
Rural Public Health; the only accredited school with a focus on rural public health disparities and issues. We
have expanded our scope, which is reflected in our current name, to include public health concerns in other
contexts. We are longtime members of the Consortium; Our faculty, students and staff have attended and
presented at this workshop for many years. Thus, as the HDEART Consortium’s new Academic Home, we are
able to more closely align and coordinate our efforts with the Consortium and its institutional members. We
are actively making progress. Yet, the existence of health inequities is a reminder of work still undone.

Mahatma Gandhi said “Action expresses priorities.”

Texas A&M School of Public Health acted to function as the Academic Home of the HDEART Consortium, and
support this workshop because we are strongly committed to eliminating health disparities and to achieving
true health equity. We are excited to see from the sponsorship and support of other Consortium member
institutions, and by your presence in the audience, that others share the same priorities.

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